
Behavioral challenges, potty training, co-parenting, hiring/training of a nanny, and all other household management items.

Areas of Practice


Behavioral Challenges

Challenging behaviors from children include biting, aggression, defiance, yelling and more. Providing the right tools to parents, siblings and other family members will minimize the unwanted behaviors. The guru comes in and assesses the environment and behaviors. Then the guru provides a behavioral plan, strategies and goals to help the family overcome.


Behavioral charts offer a visual for the children and parents to help promote consistency with wanted behavior.  Whether we believe in incentives for expected behavior or not, creating a behavior chart is a great visual for all family members to stay consistent with expected behavior.
Feeling charts are a helpful tool for both parents and children to identify emotions. Understanding the emotions, builds opportunity for communication as well as promotes self regulation. Emotionally, self-regulation is the ability to calm one's self down when upset, the ability to successfully move through the negative emotions and back to the positive.


With having multiple children, comes the unfavorable sibling rivalry. It is a natural part of family dynamics. It is always a concern of parents about when the sibling rivalry is healthy or when they go to far. Maintaining the respect between your children, as well as responding appropriately is difficult. Having a guru, will help you and your family work through sibling rivalry.

Potty training

Each child is ready at their own time. We take an assessment of the readiness of potty training for both the child and family. Then we create a plan specifically for your family and help you implement the plan. Typical potty training can begin as early as 1 year old but most children need to be fully potty trained by the time they enter the school system, pending no medical diagnosis.

nanny training

Finding a nanny that perfectly fits your family is a challenge in and of itself. We offer assistance with interviewing, hiring and training of a nanny. Based on the needs of the family, we will assist with the hiring process and then train them to work with each child and the entire family. If you already have a nanny, we will provide additional training, and guidance as needed.

implementing CHORES

Have you tried everything under the sun to get your kiddos to do their chores? Implementing chores can be a struggle. The Parenting Guru presses the reset button and helps you implement the chores successfully.


Do you have a problem with good cop vs. bad cop? Does one adult participate in the parenting aspect of the job more than the other? Are the parents not in sync when it concerns the children?  Parenting is difficult, especially when we aren't on the same page. The parenting guru will help all family members (including adult family members also living in the home) provide a consistency for the children.

routine, schedules & diet

Children respond best to structure, and routine. As the guru, we help set up schedules to maximize the success of your routine. Overall, this will help create behavior expectations along with sleeping and eating patterns. 


A child's diet can play an important role in your child's behavior and performance both at home and in school. When children have a healthy balance of food components, a healthy sleep schedule and sufficient amount of physical activity, children can excel and succeed.